I suspect they wanted something made out of bits of junk, but I asked if I could get a little bit of funding for the materials and machine time to make them using CNC stuff.
And they said "Yes".
Which was nice.
They originally wanted ten trophies, one for each category and then changed the brief so this post is all about the lead up to making the categorised versions.
I had this idea that the trophies should all be cylindrical, made from wood and glass and that each one should be a kind of stamp, so that, in the unlikely event that the winner should want to show off their award on paper (like on a cv, for instance), they could use it to stamp the trophy graphic onto paper. Also, the trophy was going to be used to "make itself" - on one end of the cylinder was to be the stamp and on the other would be a piece of paper stamped by the base, covered by glass in a sort of circular window.
So I ran some tests with a local firm who do laser cutting and got them to etch the stamps onto birch plywood. The idea was that the birch ply would form circular end caps, the base would be the stamp and the top would be a circle of ply with glass inset through which the print could be viewed.
And, yes, I did forget to mirror the stamp (duh). That's what test are for, I guess.
But of course, I ended up doing something completely different.