Sunday, April 10, 2011

00508 Day 43, the Sand Face

It's been 43 days of stifling heat crossing this barren wasteland in search of the lost civilization of Tutencamooneypopakettle and I for one was ready to go home. Twenty of our party had either turned back, or died (actually twenty of them turned back, but the point still stands) and it was just Havisham and myself. It was only as the sun reached its zenith that I realised that I had in fact made up Havisham and so was totally alone. I too was about to give in when I saw a blemish on the horizon, hardly visible. One last push, one last push for the line, dragging my weary limbs toward the object in the hope that this was what I had been looking for all this time.

the Sand Face

But no, it was just this face in the sand.

Then the kids stepped on it.

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