Saturday, June 25, 2011

00584 Day 114, Solargraph

the Solargraph

the Solarography Camera

Hi. When I've come in from a long bike ride around a neighboring island and it's dark and windy and rainy outside, I like to treat myself to a little something special.

And that's why I head straight out to the cliffs with a flashlight. What could be better than looking around for a tiny plastic box left at the top of a 200foot drop in the pitch black, while the storm force winds lash the rain at you and the spiky brambles and gauze bushes rip at your legs? I know there isn't a thing in the world I'd rather be doing.

But then again, I have been chasing buses and licking windows.

And how better to unwind than to find out that your (does quick calculation: 114-74) 40 day experiment does indeed work, although you should have pointed the camera down a little?

Note: those are the tracks of the sun and the dark bit at the bottom is the headland on the other side of the bay)

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