Friday, March 04, 2011

00470 Day 8, the Towers of Meh

What a massive, golden 24 hours Day 8 has been, if by "massive" you mean disappointingly grey and lifeless and by "golden" you mean something yellow with a faint smell. I woke up this morning like a man possessed, and as it turned out I was possessed by the spirit of a man tortured by his constant inability to impress himself.

Still it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. A journey where the kids have both been sick in the car, you've spilt your tea over the dashboard, your hands are covered in something sticky and it's two hours until you see soap and water.

I can see an obsession with tower blocks looming, and with "flatpack stuff" on my list I headed for PowerPoint, a scalpel, some double-sided tape, a metal spigot, a hammer and my fumbling butter fingers. The challenge was to build a city block in miniature. The reason (although reason exists only very tenuously in my world) was that I want to create a diorama of a city skyline which I can light from within to create the impression of lit rooms. So, the buildings have to be hollow and covered with windows. This turned out to be just a proof of concept and there will be more to come from this or at least the flatpack genre.

Wish I'd been more careful about where I stamped out the windows, as it was, I just stuck them in. With hindsight, I'd have put a little less tape on the joins and with more time I'd have lined it up more carefully, painted it black and stuck a light in it. But the design is easily replicated and adapted.

Tomorrow I'll so be trying to make electronic dice.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Like that "TOWER OF MEH". You need to make about 35 more. I can see it now, a city scape that goes on and on and on.

  2. That is so how I see it, Len!!!!!!! I was going to make a whole load out of wood, or cast a whole batch.
